Friday 9 September 2016

Here we go again....

Hey guys! ☺ Guess who is back to blogging??  I have a story to tell you all. So basically, I've been struggling with losing weight, eating the right things,  exercising for while now and recently, I decided to do something about it. A friend of mine actually encouraged me by telling me that 'I'm big ' and that I needed to lose weight. At first I laughed, but after thinking hard about it, I told my self it was actually time. 
I started exercising August 1st 2016 but my diet was still the same and I was so frustrated because I couldn't see any changes (lol I know it takes time) . So I started to do some research; and actually learnt that it's diet 70% and exercise 30%   
After almost a month of intense exercising (I was doing ShaunT's Insanity you guyssss and also exercising at the gym) and no changes I decided to change my eating pattern.
I started by cutting out carbs/sugar, and increasing my vegetable and protein intake and in one week my body started changing. I also try to do Intermittent Fasting 16/8hrs
It's been almost two weeks and I feel really good guys.
I'm going to try my best (lol I know that I've said this before) and be posting the kind of foods I eat and also my workouts for the day.
An example of what I  eat
Fried egg with bell peppers, a few slices of avocado and some baby spinach on the side. 

For dinner 
Grilled turkey with spinach sauce and steamed brocolli. 

I'm super glad that I'm back to this I can't wait to keep you all updated. 
Until next time,
